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Customised Vending Technology


Netcard is very proud to have provided some worlds first integrated solutions for our clients self service vending needs.  These amazing solutions included Iris and Palm biometric technology.

We work with many clients from Government, Enterprise and private companies to design and develop highly customised vending systems.  Using our long history and intellectual property we can ensure your project will meet its objectives and keep you ahead of the game with leading technology advancements. 

Self Service


Touch screens providing a more engaging experience for your clients when buying from your self service automatic vending machines.

Netcard provides:

Hardware design and modifcations

User interface designs

Back end cloud based software systems 

Ask us how we can help your customer engagment project via Automated Vending equipment

Cashless Payments


Talk to us about all the ways to pay at a vending machine and our cashless Credit/Debit card systems.

Core Benefits


Self Service


No fee Cashless vending


Talk to us about all the ways to pay at a vending machine and setting up a closed loop cashless system

Vending Mngt System


Talk to us about all the ways to connect your machine fleet to a back end cloud sales managment system

© 2023 Netcard

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